For two weeks we visited Greece to study the dimensions of the Greek Intellectual Revolution: democracy, rhetoric, drama, and art. We spent time in Athens as well as on the road around the county. We were looking at artifacts and ideas together: texts at sites.

A big thanks to a wonderful group of students: Danielle, Will, Julia, Emily, Alisa, Rachel, Jordan, Katrina, Kathryn, Whitnee, Luke, Shannon, Hanna, Logan, Zach, Megan, Camille and Mackenzie and to my assistant, Elizabeth.

On this page are mostly general group shots. More coming later associated with specific sites.


Dinner together: our final evening.

Reader's theater at the Theater of Dionysus

Individual and small group pictures


Click on the photos to download a larger version.


On our way - layover in Philly. (5/11)


Trying out a 'bitter orange' in the National Garden (5/12).


Trying Greek food the first night (5/12).

At the Acropolis (5/13).

At the Acropolis.
Eating outside, taking our time.

At the Pnyx. Now women can participate.

On the bus.

At Epidaurus.

A statue of the king played by Gerard Butler, otherwise known as Leonidas. In Sparta.
On the starting line at Olympia.
Doing reports on the bus.
The ancient and honorable art of stone skipping.
At the stadium at Delphi.
Last modified 9/9/12; posted 6/9/12; original content © 2012, John P. Nordin